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The Orchestrate API provides a comprehensive set of endpoints for managing your Orchestrate data. It allows you to create, read, update, and delete records related to Orchestrate, as well as perform complex queries and aggregations. This API is designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible enough to meet the needs of any Orchestrate application.

API Capabilities

The Orchestrate GraphQL API can manage the following:

CustomersManage and query customers.
ItemsManage and query items.
Purchase OrdersManage and query purchase orders and associated attributes.
Sales OrdersManage and query sales orders.
SuppliersManage and query suppliers.
TasksManage and query tasks and task related objects (e.g. relations, kpis, secondary resources).
Works OrdersManage and query works orders and associated attributes.

In the above table, the main API capabilities have been listed in terms of business functionalities. For a full list of operations available, please refer to the Orchestrte API Reference.